Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New firm will run Monroe motorsports racetrack

The county has hired High Road Promotions, which runs the Skagit Speedway, to manage the track at the fairgrounds.

By Noah Haglund
Herald Writer

MONROE -- Long-term improvements to Snohomish County's motorsports racetrack at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds were on the mind of officials who recently chose a new company to run the facility.

County Executive Aaron Reardon's office selected High Road Promotions last week after a competitive bid process. A contract is under negotiation. If all goes well, High Road should take over in the fall.

"We are looking for new ways to use the facility that will translate into economic growth for this county and its local cities," Reardon said in a release.

High Road also operates Skagit Speedway in Burlington. As part of its bid, the Monroe company offered to make improvements to the Evergreen Speedway track and grandstands. The plans call for installing a new sound system and better lighting and creating private luxury suites. Other upgrades include the restrooms and scoreboard.

County officials hope to hold a meeting in the near future with local racing enthusiasts to discuss changes, county parks Director Tom Teigen said.

Snohomish County's motorsports venue along U.S. 2 includes two oval tracks, a drag strip and a figure-eight course. There is seating for 5,900 people, parking for 6,000 cars and 18 acres for recreational vehicles or tent camping.

Johnson Productions of Monroe had been managing the track during the past two years, a time during which attendance has been disappointing.

"They've done everything they can, but it's been a tough economy," Teigen said.

The track is 57 years old. It was instrumental in the beginning of the NASCAR truck series in 1995 and has hosted some of the sport's top drivers. The Beadle family ran it from 1978 until 2008.

Noah Haglund: 425-339-3465, nhaglund@heraldnet.com.

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